First screencast

One of the things you do at Immersion is prepare and present a 5-minute teaching segment; this is where you work on all the “public speaking” aspects of teaching: vocal projection, filler words, hand gestures, etc.

My 5-minute segment was a quick set piece about how the “Find Text” (OpenURL resolver) links in our databases work.  It went over well, and I was pleased with it, but my fellow cohort members mentioned that since it was such a set piece, totally the same in every class I used it in, and didn’t need to be customized to the particular disciplinary context, perhaps a more efficient strategy would be to do a screencast that covered the same content.

So, that’s what I did.  After a semester of waffling and considering options, we got a license for Camtasia last week, I watched a bunch of tutorials on how to use it, and eventually produced this (which unfortunately is too wide for this blog, but I think the embed works anyway):

I’m quite pleased with the results!